Christian Furrer

Christian Furrer


I am an associate professor in actuarial mathematics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

I contribute to the development of new mathematical and statistical methods for risks. My research and teaching empowers actuaries in monitoring, mitigating, and managing actuarial and financial risks. I aim at building bridges between academia and practice, an effort for which I have been awarded the 2019 Gauss Prize.

I am a Qualifying Actuary and a member of the Education Committees of the Actuarial Association of Europe and the International Actuarial Association.

Together with Mogens Bladt, I am organizing the Seminar in Insurance and Economics.

My complete Curriculum Vitae is available here.

SAC 2024

The 2024 Scandinavian Actuarial Conference takes place in Copenhagen on August 14–16. The goal of the event is to bring experts and leaders in actuarial science together from across the globe to discuss recent developments in the field.

Stay tuned for updates via

Recent manuscripts


I am a member of the project frame InterAct. InterAct stands for Interaction in Actuarial Science. The vision for InterAct is to elevate the actuarial research and education activities of the Department of Mathematical Sciences with and towards the industry by creating significant increases in volume, variation, and practical relevance to the benefit of all parties.

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Open positions

Students who are interested in doing a PhD in actuarial mathematics are encouraged to consult this subpage of the Department of Mathematical Sciences for general information and biannual calls. Please also do not hesitate to contact me if any questions should arise.